Joshua Plicque

Founder of Or Equals, a Phoenix LiveView consultancy

Leading award-winning business software development at Or Equals, specializing in Phoenix Live View and Elixir. Public company investor. Keynote Speaker. Software Developer. Semi-Pro Poker player.

I have over 8 years of experience in the software development industry and have a proven track record of delivering quality software solutions to our clients. I took that experience and started a custom business software consultancy.

A few of the businesses we’ve helped:

  • We helped a local organic grocery delivery service, think Instacart, but for the Jacksonville, Florida area. Our new system connected this local business to new customers. It increased their sign-up throughput by 50%!
  • Another Client was a homeless shelter in downtown Jacksonville. We build them a bespoke inventory management to help them distribute groceries, clothing and emergency financial assistance.

Phoenix LiveView Test Driven Development By Example

You’ve heard it rumored that you can code faster and more confidently with test driven development. But everytime you try…those claims let you down.

With strong test coverage, you can refactor without fear. You can deploy with confidence and assurance. You get feedback on whether your code works instantaneously, in development, not in production.

This talk is a 30 minute live coding session where we build an Phoenix LiveView application from the ground up test-first, with maximum confidence and maximum speed!

See with your own eyes the power of test-driven-development.

Talk objectives:

  • To display, without question, the power, the assurance, and the speed of test driven development.

Target audience:

  • Intermediate and Advanced Elixir Developers.
  • For those interested in test driven development.
  • And to prove to naysayers that it truly is an elite style of productive code development.