Lars Hesel Christensen

DevOps Solution Architect integrating stuff with Elixir

Lars has worked with a large range of technologies in lots of different business domains. He started out working with embedded systems written in C, moved on to building award winning mobile banking apps and eventually discovered the Erlang and the Beam VM where he’s stayed since. For almost a decade he has worked on large scale distributed messaging systems (MQTT) such as VerneMQ.
Somewhere along the way Elixir came along and is now his technology of choice.
Currently Lars is working as a Solution Architect at Helvetia Insurance Switzerland where he’s building self-service integration solutions in Elixir.

GitOps on Steroids

In this talk we will see how the Elixir patterns such as State Machine, Templating and custom behaviors are used as building blocks for a GitOps based Self-Service platform.

The Self-Service automatically validates Git pull requests with a fast-feedback-loop and interactively engages relevant corporate stakeholders in the review and approval process.

Additionally, external approval workflows are orchestrated when required. Once approved the self-service provisions all required resources in real-time using state of the art infrastructure design principles.


  • Pull Request State Machine
  • Elixir Templating with EEx
  • Terraform Workspace Manager
  • Confluent Terraform Provider
  • AWS Terraform Provider
  • OpenAPI Specification v3

Target audience:

  • DevOps Engineers
  • Platform Integration Engineers
  • Cloud Automation Engineers